Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Amazing Facts About the Human Body - 10

Amazing Facts About the Human Body - 10


10.Could We survive on vitamins alone?

No, your body needs a diet balanced with vitamins, protein, minerals carbohydrates, and fat to survive. You can't cut one of these and expect your body to stay healthy. It is the proportions of these which keep us healthy and fit. You can get these from the five major food groups. Food charts can help with this balancing act.

This is the last Article Of the Amazing Facts About the Human Body , Do you know any other Amazing fact of our Body. I Hope you are.. please comments below...

Amazing Facts About the Human Body - 09

Amazing Facts About the Human Body - 09



This is known in the medical world as a myoclonic twitch. Although some researchers say these twitches are associated with stress or caffeine use, they are likely to be a natural part of the sleep process. If it happens to you, ifs perfectly normal.

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Amazing Facts About the Human Body - 08

Amazing Facts About the Human Body - 08



Warts are small, rough, round growths of the skin caused by the human papillomavirus. There are different types which can occur in different parts of the body, and they can be contagious. They commonly occur on the hands, but can also come up anywhere from the genitals to the feet!

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Amazing Facts About the Human Body - 07

Amazing Facts About the Human Body - 07


07.What makes us left-handed?

One side of the brain is more dominant over the other. Since each hemisphere of the brain controls the opposite side of your body, meaning the left controls the right side of your body. This is why right-handed people have stronger left brain hemispheres. However you can find an ambidextrous person, where hemispheres are co-dominant, and these people are equally capable with both right and left hands!